Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Do We Test So Much?

We all have to take and pass tests- driver tests, college entrance exams, job promotion tests, or high school exit exams, to name a few. These tests ensure that a basic standard of quality is maintained in a profession, in a community or in a school.

While some may argue that testing elementary-aged children starts this standardization process at too young of an age, the converse is true as well. When planning backwards from high school graduation, the State Standards and their accompanying tests (along with other assessments)provide clear sign-posts along the way- all the way back to kindergarten.

Tests help us become aware of our strengths and weaknesses. Our intuition is not generally reliable or accurate enough to give actionable information. While I don't always like it when someone points out a weakness to me, it can help me improve personally or professionally.

In education there is a saying that "what gets tested is what gets taught." This may seem backwards, but when we begin with end in mind (as Steven Covey states) we have a much clearer path about where to go and how to get there.

Tests also help us find out what we don't know. Sometimes that's half the battle. We don't want to re-teach an entire multiplication unit if all a child needs is to memorize his sevens. As adults, we wouldn't want to have to take behind-the-wheel training if all we need to learn is the distance it takes a fully loaded tractor-trailer to stop when traveling at 55 miles per hour.

When we test the kindergarten students' knowledge of the letter sounds, it may tell us which students we need to pull together in a small group to re-teach a specific letter sound. Even advanced learners have gaps in their knowledge.

During this 10 week Skill Blitz we are requiring that the students look at their current achievement and set a goal for their next assessment. We want them to "be hungry" for improving their own learning.

My main idea (our reading comprehension skill this week is Main Idea) is that testing can help us to know where we are in relationship to where we are supposed to be. The results of testing will give us information that helps us get on track towards meeting common expectations.

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