Monday, September 27, 2010

Teacher Phone Extensions

Teacher Grade and Telephone Extension: Telephone Number: 788-7462
Arnaiz, Christine -3rd x41010
Barron, Kelly -SH/SDC x41023
Bekkedahl, Jessie -TITLE 1 x41039
Bristow, Kristen -3rd x41013
Burns, Ric -SH/SDC x41025
Butler, Kelvin -4th x41015
Coleman, Carol -ELD x41034
Condron, Jason -5th x41020
Cortez, Marcos -6th x41038
Cruz, Juanita -Preschool x41001
Danko, Kim -KG x41002
DeHaro, Griselda -6th x41021
Eaton, LeAnna -5th x41026
Faulkner, Elizabeth -KG x41037
Filkins, Jody -2nd x41009
Folger, Wendy -1st x41004
Garcia, Margarita -4th x41040
Garner, Debbie -2nd x41006
Gonzalez, Guillermina -2nd x41012
Gonzalez, Mary Beth -3rd/4th x41014
Hopper, Jackie -RSP x41028
Johnson, Christina -1st x41027
Moreno, Tracy -2nd x41011
Nieto, Tonia -5th x41018
Pro, Patricia -SDC x41024
Schechtman, Kristen -1st x41008
Sherbon, Jenny -3rd x41019
Smith, Christina -SPEECH x41029
Tenette, Julie -4th x41022
Turner, Heather -5th x41016
Wagner, Jeanne -SDC x41041
Watring, David -6th x41007

1 comment:

  1. Can't they make those extensions 3 digit shorter? 5 digit extensions are not easy to remember.
