Monday, December 20, 2010

Shake Off Unrealistic Holiday Expectations!

How do I decide between getting Christmas gifts for the kids or sending in the car payment?  A local Mariage and Family Therapist,Mitchell Rosen, asks in his latest column in the Press Enterprise.  I don't always agree with him, but his article in today's PE he responded to a concern that I have heard many Emerson parents express lately.

He states that "We affirm our children with praise, gratitute, and stability.  It may sound trite- 'You get stability for Christmas' - except it isn't.  Of all the possible gifts, stability, values, priorities, and common sense trump Microsoft every time."

Further, he states, "Some moms and dads will ask, 'What will my kids think of me on Christmas morning when there are only cookies and gifts from the 99 cent store?' Actually, children are a lot more adaptable than we adults.  Sure they'll be disappointed...but kids take their cues from us."

As your child's principal, I wish your familiy a wonderful time together during vacation.  Don't sweat the presents.  Bake together, read, play some on-line math games together, visit relatives, and help others who have even less than you.

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