Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pancake Breakfast 2011

 The students, staff and especially the parents hosted a fantastic community day on Saturday, the "fourty-somethingth" annual Pancake Breakfast. Throughout the morning, hundreds of hungry students, alumni, families and staff enjoyed a variety of fun activities.

For months, the parents of our sixth grade students solicited donations, made plans, and enlisted helpers.  Led by Lisa Newhall, the committee worked to get almost everything donated - even the pancake mix!


The Great Raguzi, Emerson parent Alex Rogers, performed slight of hand while many awestruck children dripped syrup while wondering how the Great Raguzi made their card re-appear.

 There were dozens of great prizes which went to the lucky winners, as well as to the high bidders.  Classes contributed items to build class baskets.  One basket contained Lakers tickets, and another- a beautifully arranged Emerson Eagle orange tree, had over $250 worth of gift cards! 

Emerson is thankful to all of the students, staff, and community members who helped contribute towards making our sixth grade camp fundraiser a huge success!

1 comment:

  1. who let the riff raff in?... Great job guys!!!!!
