Friday, January 21, 2011

Good Morning Emerson Eagles!

Dream, Believe, Achieve!
Today is Friday, January 21, 2011

Question of the Day
Today I'm not going to ask you how you are doing...but I'm going to ask you about an important question. Did you know that there is a common question, from Kindergarten to 6th grade that is used in math every day?  What do you think this question is?  Please take a second to tell your neighbor what you think the question is.  
Some of you may be thinking that the question is:
"What's the answer?" or
"How do you solve the problem?
But neither of those are right...The question I'm talking about is called THE ESSENTIAL QUESTION, and is a part of every math lesson.  It's essential because if you can answer this question in math in every lesson, every day, you will be on target for math success.

Engagement Requirements:
Did you know that at Emerson it is required for each of you to be 100% engaged all day?  If your teacher asks everyone to respond, ALL of you must respond.  If you are supposed to say "yes, yes" then there shouldn't be anyone who doesn't answer.  As the principal, this is one thing I look for when I go to the classrooms to check on the students- are you engaged and paying attention during the whole lesson?

Rule Reminders:
There have been a few incidents at school lately where students have started out playing with another student, and then there was a hit, which escalated into another hit- the playing turned to two students upset with one another.  Always remember to keep your hands to yourselves- when you are playing, you can't even pretend to hit another student./

First in Math
Yesterday we moved back into 15th place district-wide!  During Saturday School, we'll have the computers ready for everyone to play First in Math.  Teachers, please log in to FIM today and print a copy of the FIM usernames and passwords for the Saturday School and HEARTS staff.  Please give this list to Mrs. Gina.  Students, please take the time right now to write down your username and password if you don't already have it memorized.  We don't want to have only 15-20 students in the school scoring most of the points, we want everyone to play, so that way everyone will learn.

Construction Update
The posts for the new lunch shelter where set in place yesterday.  Won't it be exciting to have plenty of room to eat our lunch?  You may have also noticed a few large pipes sticking out of the ground...they are  going to be fire hydrants.

Lunch and Attendance:
For lunch, you have two choices, the Farm Fresh Salad Bar, or the hot lunch. Today the hot lunch is:

If you would like to have a hot lunch, please raise your hand.

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance!
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

High Expectations:
There's no choice, achieving your personal best is required every day at Emerson!

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