Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Morning Announcements 1/19/2011

Dream, Believe, Achieve!
Today is Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Engagement Requirements:
When someone asks you how you are doing, have you ever thought of ACTUALLY telling them?  Most of the time we just say a simple "I'm fine, thank you!"  but sometimes a REAL answer is in order.  You may only want to try this with a good friend when you are not in a rush, though. 

Rule Reminders:
One of the best Super 8 rules to consider when you are having a conflict with another person, is to WALK AWAY.  Sometimes removing yourself from a conflict can help you to get everything in perspective and to avoid the problem from becoming worse.

First in Math
During the weekend we moved ahead into 15th place district-wide!  But our rank dropped yesterday back down to 17th place.  So the real key here is that we need EVERY student to try to play the game every night at least for a few minutes.  Please take the time right now to write down your username and password if you don't already have it memorized.  We don't want to have only 15-20 students in the school scoring most of the points, we want everyone to play, so that way everyone will learn.

Construction Update
The HEAVY EQUIPMENT started removing the old asphault and started grading - or excavating- the ground where the road, the lunch shelter and the new line of portable classrooms is going to be. 

Lunch and Attendance:
For lunch, you have two choices, the Farm Fresh Salad Bar, or the hot lunch. Today the hot lunch is:

Sicilian style pizza
Popeye Salad with dressing
Mixed fruit
If you would like to have a hot lunch, please raise your hand.

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance!
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

High Expectations:
There's no choice, achieving your personal best is required every day at Emerson!

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